I, Nicolas Rolin
... from now on, for ever and irrevocably, I found, construct, and date in the town of Beaune, in the diocese of Autun, a hospital to receive, serve and house the sick poor…“
Les Dames Hospitalières 
Nicolas Rolin called for women volunteering to care for the sick. They lived according to the Benedictine rule and looked after patients until the 20th century. This room was used until 1953.


Built by Nicolas Rolin, Chancelor of Burgundy, in the middle of the 15th century in the late gothic style, the Hôtel-Dieu is an architectural jewel with roofs topped with glazed tiles. During centuries, the Hôtel-Dieu received vineyards donated by wealthy people. It now produces some of the best wines of Burgundy, sold in barrels at the annual wine auction, one of the most important charity sales in the world.

Salle des Pôvres


The Polyptic of The Last Judgment 
It was placed in the chapel behind the altar at the end of the Salle des Pôvres. The patients could follow divine services from their beds, and contemplate this masterwork of Rogier van der Weyden. Relating with deep devotion to the Divine in such an impressive way did certainly contribute to their healing.

Panel with the angel St Michael

Cloister of the Church of Notre-Dame
This church of the 12th and 13th century houses in its choir an exceptional collection of flemish tapestries depicting the life of the Virgin Mary. 

In former times Beaune counted numerous religious orders that owned vineyards and produced wines since the Middle-Ages.

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